Thursday, February 14, 2008


I've found that my crafting (or puttering, which seems to better describe what I do) comes in spurts. I can't get enough for about a week or so. I mean, the sewing machine is flying, glue and paper everywhere. Then, for about the same amount of time, I can't even think about making anything.

I'm cooling off from the two-week high, so I thought I'd update on what I've been up to. Also, I need to pour my crafting (er, puttering) energy into smocking Caroline's Easter dress. I actually have a deadline with that! One thing that I try to do, particularly when it's a project that I've done before and know the routine of, I pray for whomever I'm making it for while I'm putting it together. Caro's going to be getting a lot of prayers over that dress!

Oh, and please excuse my shoddy photography in the next few posts.

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