Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Do you ever have disappointments in life? Little, small ones. Not the big ones. The ones where you roll your eyes and get on with life very quickly? I guess disappointment is too strong a word. I don’t want to be a heavy today. I know most of you don't really care about my two cents on how I feel about my minor disappointments, but you're still reading, so...anyway.

Just little things, like you thought the washing machine would get the ketchup stain out of your 2 year old’s shirt and it didn’t. Or you thought that this would be the month that you’d finally be able to zip your skinny jeans and the button doesn’t quite meet the hole. Or you wake up smiling, just knowing Clean-Up Fairy made a visit overnight and you open your eyes to find she skipped your house that evening.

I feel this way about the finished product from my wallet. I made so many wrong choices and wrong stitches. I used too heavy an interfacing. It was pretty much white cardboard. I didn’t totally love the fabric combination. I think if I’d used a walking foot, it wouldn’t be so puckered and pulled in places. But, I am looking forward to my next attempt. I think it will go much more smoothly. You can bet your bottom dollar.

However, I am pleased with my first attempt at putting in a zipper! And I didn’t even get the zipper foot out. I have no pictures because I finished it at, like, 11 last night and it was so awful that I didn’t want to bare it for all to see. The seams look terrible, there’s fabric showing that should be tucked neatly inside stitching, there are pieces and parts that are catawampus, it’s just a mess. I haven’t even taken a wet cloth to my markings, yet. Here’s the fabric I used, though. You can dream about what it should look like…

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